

Murcia 2-3 September, 2025

The Workshop invites submissions of papers that deal with environmental and resource economics problems using any of the branches of Game Theory. Theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome, including, but not limited to, coalition formation, strategic environmental policy, dynamic games, bargaining, behavioral economics, experimental economics and network economics.

Although completed papers are welcome, the Workshop encourages particularly the submission of ongoing research or papers which are not completely finished. The format of the meeting will allow extensive discussions about each one of the accepted papers. Submissions by PhD students are particularly encouraged.

There is a registration fee of 75€ for AERNA members (105 for non AERNA members) which covers lunches, coffee breaks and a conference dinner. Information about registration will be announced in due time.


Submission deadline: June 1, 2025

Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2025

Venue: Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Universidad de Murcia, Avda. Teniente Flomesta, 5 · 30003 · Murcia

Organizing Committee: María Pilar Martínez García, José Morales and Isabel Albaladejo.

Scientific Committee:

  • Carmen Arguedas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Francisco Cabo (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Julia de Frutos Cachorro (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Guiomar Martín Herrán (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • María Pilar Martínez García (Universidad de Murcia)
  • José Morales (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Lucia Sbragia (Durham University Business School)

Submission of papers: Please send your papers in PDF or Word format to [email protected]

Important information: Please, beware that local festivities will take place in Murcia these days. Demand for lodging and prices might be high. We strongly recommend booking ASAP.





Valladolid 4-5 September, 2023

The Workshop will bring together researchers affiliated to the AERNA Working Group on Game
Theory and Environmental and Resource Economics, and invites submissions of papers that
deal with environmental and resource economics problems using any of the branches of Game
Theory. Theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome, including, but not limited to, coalition
formation, strategic environmental policy, dynamic games, bargaining, behavioral economics,
experimental economics and network economics.

Although completed papers are welcome, the Workshop encourages particularly the submission
of ongoing research or papers which are not completely finished. The format of the meeting will
allow extensive discussions about each one of the accepted papers. Submissions by PhD
students are particularly encouraged.

There is a registration fee of 75€ which covers lunches, coffee breaks and a conference dinner.
Information about registration will be announced in due time.

Submission deadline: June 1, 2023
Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2023

Venue: Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, Universidad de Valladolid, Plaza de Santa
Cruz, 5, 1ª planta, 47002, Valladolid, Spain.


Download program (PDF)


September 4:
8:30-8:45 Registration
8:45 -9:00 Welcome

9:00-11:00 Working session I. Chair: Santiago J. Rubio
Final Countdown? An Experimental Collective Risk Dilemma with Horizon Uncertainty
Carmen Arguedas, Hubert J. Kiss and Ágnes Pintér
Gradual Coalition Formation in International Environmental Agreements
Alejandro Caparrós and Jean Christophe Péreau

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:30 Working session II. Chair: Renan Goetz
A Great Fish War Model with Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting and Asymmetric Players
Joakim Alderborn and Jesús Marín-Solano
Factors for Strategic Restraint in Environmental Contests
Daniel Cardona, Jenny De Freitas and Antoni Rubı́-Barceló

13:30-14:45 Lunch

14:45-16:45 Working session III. Chair: Michael Finus
Porter Hypothesis vs Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Can an Emission Tax Avoid the Pollution Haven Hypothesis?
Francisco J. André, Claudia Ranocchia and Santiago J. Rubio
Self-image, Adaptation and the Stability of International Environmental Agreements
Michèle Breton and Lucia Sbragia

16:45-17:15 Coffee break

17:15-18:15 Working session IV. Chair: Francisco J. André
Tipping the Economy Towards Cooperation: Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Motivation
Jorge Marcos and Renan Goetz

18:15-18:45 General assembly

20:30 Conference dinner


September 5:

9:00-11:00 Working session I. Chair: Carmen Arguedas
The Strategic Role of Adaptation in International Environmental Agreements
Anna Viktoria Rohrera and Santiago J. Rubio
Global Climate Governance in the Light of Geoengineering: A Shot in the Dark?
Michael Finus and Francesco Furini

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Working session II. Chair: Jesús Marín-Solano
Green versus White: Mitigation and Solar Geoengineering in Climate Agreements
Michael Finus, Francesco Furini and Ebony Granada

12:30-13:15 Visit to the historical library of the university

13:15-14:45 Lunch

14:45-16:45 Working session III. Chair: Alejandro Caparrós
Environmental Regulation and Inspection Delegation with Stock Pollution
Carmen Arguedas, Francisco Cabo and Guiomar Martín-Herrán
What is my Neighbour Doing? Heterogeneous Agents under Free Trade with Renewable Resources
Carles Mañó-Cabello, Jesús Marín-Solano and Jorge Navas

16:45-17:15 Coffee break

17:15-18:15 Working session IV. Chair: Lucia Sbragia
Efficiency-Inducing Policy for Polluting Oligopolists
Guiomar Martín-Herrán and Santiago J. Rubio


Organizing Committee: Francisco Cabo and Guiomar Martín-Herrán

Scientific Committee:
Carmen Arguedas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Julia de Frutos Cachorro (Universitat de Barcelona)
Mª Pilar Martínez García (Universidad de Murcia)
José Morales (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Lucia Sbragia (Durham University Business School)
Submission of papers: Please send your papers in PDF or Word format to Francisco Cabo
([email protected])

Important information: Please, beware that local festivities will take place in Valladolid these
days. Demand for lodging and prices might be high. We strongly recommend booking ASAP.

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