Board of Directors

The Association is managed  by the Board of Directors consisting of a President, an incoming President, a Secretary-Treasurer, a Communication and Publications Officer, an Education and Extension Officer and a Research Officer. All the positions that make up the Board of Directors are free and designated by the General Assembly. Its term of office shall be four years.

The powers of the Board of Directors are:

a) Represent, direct and manage the Association in the broadest manner recognized by the Law, and execute and enforce the decisions taken by the General Assembly, in accordance with the rules, instructions and guidelines established by the General Assembly.
b) To make the necessary agreements regarding the representation of the Association in front of the public organisms and to carry out all kinds of legal actions and to interpose the pertinent resources.
c) To propose to the General Assembly the defense of the interests of the Association.
d) To propose to the Assembly the fees or contributions to be paid by the members of the Association.
e) To process the admission or expulsion of members.
f)  Call the General Assembly.
g) Submit the balance and the financial statements of each year to the General Assembly for approval and prepare the budgets for the following year.
h) Elaborate the annual report of activities and to submit it for the approval of the General Assembly.
i)  Elaborate the Internal Regulation;
j)  Inspect the accounting and ensure the normal operation of the services of the Association.
k) Define the commissions or working groups to achieve the most efficient and effective the aims of the Association, and authorize the acts they plan to carry out, naming the members of the Board of Directors who will be responsible for each one of them.
l) Any other faculty that is not of exclusive competence of the General Assembly of partners.

Current Board of Directors

President: Dr. Renan Goetz 2024-2026

Renan Goetz holds a Dr. sc. tech. and a venia legendi (habilitation) in the field of environmental and resource economics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich. Before joining the University of Girona in the year 1997 he had been a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley for two years. Currently he holds a position of a Full Professor at the University of Girona. He served as the Head of the Department of Economics for four years and as the coordinator of the Ph.D. program of the Department of Economics for three years. He has led a large number of projects financed by national agencies and participated actively in the evaluation of research projects at the national and international level (FP7, H2020, National Science Foundation, BARD). He has been Country Representative for Spain at the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). Currently he is Co-Editor of the book series Natural Resource Management and Policy published by Springer and of the journal Water Economics and Policy. His research is situated in the interface of agricultural/environmental economics and mathematical modeling.

His research topics are the management of natural resources like forest, water and land-use. The results of his research among others were published in journals like: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Mathematical Letters, Environmental and Resource Economics, Forest Science, Ecological Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Development Economics, Mathematical Population Studies, and Optimal Control Applications and Methods.

Incoming President: Pedro Pintassilgo 2024-2028


Pedro Pintassilgo holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Economics from the New University of Lisbon (2000). He is presently Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal, and Director of the BSc program in Economics.

Over the last 25 years, he has studied natural resource economics, in particular the use of bio-economic modelling to support fisheries management, the application of game theory to the management of internationally shared resources, and the interaction between tourism and the environment.

His research has been published in influential journals in the field of Economics, such as, Environmental & Resource Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Marine Resource Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Resource and Energy Economics, and Tourism Economics.

Pedro has forged a strong link to AERNA over the years. In particular, he has organized the V AERNA Conference in Faro (2012) and has served as Vice-President between 2015 and 2017. Detailed CV available at: Orcid iD: 0000- 0001-9115-4301


Officer: Alexandra Leitão 2022-2026

Alexandra Leitão is Associate Professor at Católica Porto Business School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal). PhD in Economics, with specialization in Environmental Economics, from Nova School of Business and Economics. MSc in Finance from Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto. Degree in Economics from Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto. She held the positions of Associate Dean for Undergraduate programs and Director of the Master’s in Business Economics. Her research interests focus on the field of environmental and natural resource economics, climate change, circular economy and macroeconomics.

 Officer: María Pilar Martínez-García 2022-2026

María Pilar Martínez-García is Full Professor at the University of Murcia. She graduated in Mathematics and holds a PhD in Economics, with specialization in Environmental Economics, from the University of Murcia. She participates in research projects financed by the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry on Environmental Economics. Her research interests include different topics in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics, such as non-constant discounting, economic growth, migrations and firm relocations. Her research has been published in top field journals such as Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Spatial Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economic Modelling, Tourism Economics and Tourism Management, among others. For additional information see:

Officer: Angel Bujosa Bestard 2024-2028

Angel Bujosa Bestard (Bunyola, 1982) is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). He holds a Master’s and a PhD in Tourism and Environmental Economics. His PhD thesis, titled «Improving Recreational Demand Modelling for Environmental Policy Needs: A Study of Mallorcan Forest», explored the use of various recreational demand models in the context of Mallorcan forests.

His current research focuses on economic valuation methodologies for the environment, particularly regarding natural areas and climate change. He has participated in both national and international research projects and has authored more than fifteen articles published in journals such as Environmental and Resource Economics, Ecological Economics, Climatic Change, and Tourism Management. Additionally, he has co-authored two book chapters published by Springer and Nova Science Publishers.

In 2007, he was awarded the VII edition of the ‘Premi Medi Ambient de Mallorca’ by the Consell Insular de Mallorca. In 2008, he received the I AERNA Award for the best presentation from the Asociación Hispano-Portuguesa de Economía de los Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (AERNA). He has been recognized with three research sexennia (sexenios) and three teaching quinquennia (quinquenios).

Since November 2010, he has served as the Director of the UNESCO/SA NOSTRA Chair in Business and Environmental Management. This Chair, created in 1998 through a collaboration agreement between the UIB and the Savings Bank ‘Sa Nostra,’ received UNESCO recognition in 2001. He has also directed the Master’s Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation (2015-2018) and the Master’s Degree in Economics of Tourism and Environmental Economics (2014-2017). Additionally, he served as the Assistant Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies at UIB (2019-2021). Currently, he is the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Management Unit (UGEP).

Officer: Begoña Casino 2024-2028

Begoña Casino is Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Analysis at the University of Valencia, Spain. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Valencia, and a Master of Science in Economics from University College London.

She is a microeconomist who has been interested in the optimal management of water resources, the analysis of the stability of international environmental agreements and, currently, works on the environmental regulation of polluting firms with market power. She has published her research in international journals such as Resource and Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economics, Spanish Economic Review, and Economics Bulletin.

She participated in competitive projects financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, BBVA Foundation, and, currently, she is involved in a competitive project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. She was a member of the local committee of the Third AERNA Workshop on Game Theory and the Environment.


Former Board of Directors

From 2002 to 2024


     Board of Directors (2022-2024)

    • President: Carmen Arguedas
    • Incoming president: Renan Goetz
    • Secretary: Encarna Esteban
    • Officers:  Julia de Frutos, María Pilar Martínez-García, Alejandra Leitão

 Board of Directors (2021-2022)

    • President: Alejandro Caparrós
    • Incoming president: Carmen Arguedas
    • Secretary: Encarna Esteban
    • Officers:  Julia de Frutos, Arantza Murillas, Margarita Robaina

Board of Directors (2019-2020)

    • President: Santiago Rubio
    • Incoming president: Alejandro Caparrós
    • Secretary: José Luis Oviedo
    • Officers: Arantza Murillas, Margarita Robaina, Renato Rosa

      Board of Directors (2017-2019)

    • President: Antoni Riera
    • Incoming president: Santiago Rubio
    • Secretary: Maria Loureiro
    • Officers:  Esther Blanco; Renato Rosa; José L. Oviedo

       Board of Directors (2015-2017)

    • President: Antoni Riera
    • First vice-president: Pedro Pintassilgo
    • Second vice-president: Alejandro Caparrós
    • Secretary: Maria Loureiro
    • Officers:  Alberto Ansuategi; Carmen Arguedas; Esther Blanco; Guiomar Martín-Herrán

       Board of Directors (2011-2015)

    • President: Emilio Cerdá
    • First vice-president: Carmelo León
    • Second vice-president: Montserrat Viladrich
    • Secretary: Francisco J. André
    • Officers:  Carmen Arguedas; Maria José Gutiérrez; Maria Loureiro;  Àngels Xabadia


       Board of Directors (2008-2011)

    • President: María Antonieta Cunha e Sá
    • First vice-president: Marta Escapa García
    • Second vice-president: Manuel Varela Lafuente
    • Secretary: María Clara Costa Duarte
    • Officers: Francisco J. André García; Alejandro Caparrós Gass; Antoni Riera Font; Catarina Roseta Palma

       Board of Directors (2005-2008)

    • President: Pablo Campos Palacín
    • First vice-president: Rui Jorge Ferreira Dos Santos
    • Second vice-president: José Manuel Lima Santos
    • Secretary: Alejandro Caparrós Gass
    • Officers: Marta Escapa; Carlos Mario Gómez; Carmelo León; Catarina Roseta Palma

       Board of Directors (2002-2005)

    • President: Pablo Campos Palacín
    • First vice-president: Rui Jorge Ferreira Dos Santos
    • Second vice-president: Santiago Rubio
    • Secretary: Emilio Cerdá
    • Officers: Vicent Alcántara; Miguel Buñuel; Renan Goetz; Carlos Mario Gómez

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