AERNA Awards

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

AERNA awards the following prizes:

  • AERNA Awards for the best Master Thesis and best  PhD Thesis in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics 
  • AERNA Award for the best paper presented at the Biennial Conference
  • AERNA Award for the best published paper

AERNA Awards for the best Master Thesis and best PhD Thesis in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics

We are pleased to announce the first edition of the AERNA Awards for the best Master Thesis and the best Ph.D. Thesis defended in Spain or Portugal within the field of Environmental and Resource Economics.

The aim of these awards is to recognize outstanding works of young researchers, contribute to the sensibilization of society to environmental problems and offer possible solutions based on economic approaches.

Participants must meet the two following conditions:

  • Authors must have defended their Master Thesis or Ph.D. Thesis in a public or private university in Spain or Portugal in the academic years 2020-2021 or 2021-2022.
  •  The Master or PhD Thesis must be in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics.

Categories and prizes: Master Thesis: €400  Ph.D. Thesis: €800.

We are very happy to announce the winners of the First edition of the AERNA Awards for the best Master Thesis and best PhD Thesis in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics (years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022).

For the category of Best PhD Thesis, a committee formed by Renan Goetz (chair, U. Girona), Montserrat Villadrich (U. Lleida) and Renato Rosa (U. Coimbra) has reached the unanimous decision (endorsed by the AERNA council). The winner in this category is Francesca Tomori (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) for her PhD Thesis entitled “Environmental Policies in International Markets” and supervised by Dr. Bernd Theilen and Dr. José Manuel Giménez Gómez.

For the category of best Master Thesis, ), a committee formed by Alexandra Leitão (chair, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa), Nuria Osés Eraso (Universidad Pública de Navarra) and Lennart Vogelsang (University of Graz) has reached the unanimous decision (again endorsed by the AERNA council) to give the award to Tobias Albrecht (Universitat de Barcelona), for his work entitled «Does Decentralization matter for Renewable Energy Sources?”, supervised by Dr. Enrique López-Bazo 

AERNA Award for the best presentation by a young scholar at the conference

AERNA issues a prize of 500€ for the best paper presented at the AERNA biennial Conference by a PhD Student or a PhD holder that has defended his/her thesis at most during the last two years.

Two additional requirements must be fulfilled to be eligible:

  • The candidate must present the paper at the Conference
  • Papers can be co-authored although priority will be given to papers written by a single author


Award/ Call year Author Title of the presentation
XI AERNA Award (2024) Luisa Nobre «Assessing the Costs and Benefits of the Iberian Exception in Electricity Market Design: An Agent-Based Approach»
VIII AERNA Award (2022) Lennart Vogelsang/ Hans-Peter Weikard , Jantsje M. van Loon-Steensma and Birgit Bednar-Friedl «Assessing the cost-effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions under climate change uncertainty and learning: the case of the Oldambt-Eemskanaal-Dollardboezem water system in the Netherlands»
VII AERNA Award (2021)  Lotanna E. Emediegwu «Assessing the (a)symmetric effect of global climate anomalies on food prices: Evidence from local prices»
VI AERNA Award (2018) Sophie Lian Zhou/ Sjak Smulders/ Reyer Gerlagh «Closing the loop in a circular economy: saving resources or suffocating innovations?»
V AERNA Award (2016) María Victoria Román «What determines the magnitude of the economic impact of climate finance in recipient countries? A structural decomposition of value added creation between countries»
IV AERNA Award (2014) Dra. Elsa Varela «Beyond the burnt area: insights on the social preferences for fire prevention management»
III AERNA Award (2012) Dr. Jesús Barreal «El seguro forestal como herramienta de restauración tras los incendios forestales»
II AERNA Award (2010) Dra. Julia Torralba Cano «Alteraciones climáticas locales: efectos económicos sobre una pesquería iberoatlántica»
I AERNA Award (2008) Dr. Angel Bujosa «Considering environmental diversity in recreational choice modelling»


AERNA Award for the best published paper

AERNA issues a prize of 1000€ for the best paper published in a scientific journal during the past two years before the year of the Conference. 

This Award recognizes exemplary original research published by AERNA members. The Award is given biennally and announced at the AERNA Conference. Two requirements are taken into account:

  1. Paper: Any article published during the preceding two years is eligible for this award
  2. Authors:  At least 50% of the authors must have been members of AERNA during the past two years. 


Award/ Call year Author Citation
 XI AERNA Award (2024) Xavier Fageda Jordi J. Teixidó Pricing carbon in the aviation sector: Evidence from the European
emissions trading system». Journal of environmental economics and management, Volume 111, January 2022, 102591
VII AERNA Award (2022) Esther Blanco, B. Vollan, I. Steimanis, F. Petutschnig and Prediger Procedural fairness and nepotism among local traditional and democratic leaders in rural Namibia. Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 15, eaay7651, 2020. 
VI AERNA Award María Loureiro and Xavier Labandeira «Exploring Energy Use in Retail Stores: A Field Experiment», Energy Economics 84 (2019) 104570
V AERNA Award (2018) María A. Cunha-E-Sá/ Sofía F. Franco «The effect of development constraints on forest management at the urban-forest interface», American Journal of Agricultural Economics vol. 99, issue 3, pag. 614-636, (2017).
IV AERNA Award (2016) Francisco J. André/ Sjak Smulders «Fueling growth when oilpeaks: Directed technological change and the límits to efficiency», European Economic Review
vol. 69, pag. 18-39, (2014).
III AERNA Award (2014) Michael Finus  /Pedro Pintassilgo «The role of uncertainty and learning for the success of internacional climate agreements», Journal of Public  Economics, vol. 103, pag.29-43, (2013).
II AERNA Award (2012) Carmen Arguedas /D. Daan P. van Soest «On reducing the windfall profits in environmental subsidy programs», Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 58, pag. 192-205, (2009).
I AERNA Award (2010) Nuria Osés-Eraso /Montserrat Viladrich-Grau «On the sustainability of common property resources», Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
vol. 53 (3) , pag. 393–410 (2007)

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