2024 AERNA Elections

Candidate for Incoming President

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Pedro Pintassilgo holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Economics from the New University of Lisbon (2000). He is presently Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal, and Director of the BSc program in Economics.

Over the last 25 years, he has studied natural resource economics, in particular the use of bio-economic modelling to support fisheries management, the application of game theory to the management of internationally shared resources, and the interaction between tourism and the environment.

His research has been published in influential journals in the field of Economics, such as, Environmental & Resource Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Marine Resource Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Resource and Energy Economics, and Tourism Economics.

Pedro has forged a strong link to AERNA over the years. In particular, he has organized the V AERNA Conference in Faro (2012) and has served as Vice-President between 2015 and 2017. Detailed CV available at: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/0915-956B-B8D3. Orcid iD: 0000- 0001-9115-4301

Candidates for Council Member

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Angel Bujosa Bestard (Bunyola, 1982) is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). He holds a Master’s and a PhD in Tourism and Environmental Economics. His PhD thesis, titled «Improving Recreational Demand Modelling for Environmental Policy Needs: A Study of Mallorcan Forest», explored the use of various recreational demand models in the context of Mallorcan forests.

His current research focuses on economic valuation methodologies for the environment, particularly regarding natural areas and climate change. He has participated in both national and international research projects and has authored more than fifteen articles published in journals such as Environmental and Resource Economics, Ecological Economics, Climatic Change, and Tourism Management. Additionally, he has co-authored two book chapters published by Springer and Nova Science Publishers.

In 2007, he was awarded the VII edition of the ‘Premi Medi Ambient de Mallorca’ by the Consell Insular de Mallorca. In 2008, he received the I AERNA Award for the best presentation from the Asociación Hispano-Portuguesa de Economía de los Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (AERNA). He has been recognized with three research sexennia (sexenios) and three teaching quinquennia (quinquenios).

Since November 2010, he has served as the Director of the UNESCO/SA NOSTRA Chair in Business and Environmental Management. This Chair, created in 1998 through a collaboration agreement between the UIB and the Savings Bank ‘Sa Nostra,’ received UNESCO recognition in 2001. He has also directed the Master’s Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation (2015-2018) and the Master’s Degree in Economics of Tourism and Environmental Economics (2014-2017). Additionally, he served as the Assistant Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies at UIB (2019-2021). Currently, he is the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Management Unit (UGEP).

Sonia Quiroga is Full Professor at the Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics and Vicedean of Research, Phd Programmes and Library for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Complutense University of Madrid. Her research focuses on the quantitative relationships among climate, water, weather and the economy, specially understanding the analysis of the economic value of hydro-meteorological information and climate change economic impact assessment. Methodological approaches include econometric tools for empirical analysis, CGE modelling, Contingent Evaluation and risk management tools. She has contributed to a range of National and European Commission research projects. Currently, she coordinates the Horizon Europe PATTERN project on New appraisal methods for evaluation of climate and biodiversity policies and the Biodiversity Foundation project CBAdapt, on Compilation and analysis of practical cases of CBA studies in adaptation Initiatives. She is part of the WMO Experts panel on Socioeconomic Benefits. She has worked as consultant for running socio-economic evaluations in a number of WMO, WB, UNFCCC, UNECE-FAO, UNESCAP and UNEP funded projects. She has disseminated her research findings in numerous prestigious international research journals and recognized international conferences.

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Begoña Casino is Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Analysis at the University of Valencia, Spain. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Valencia, and a Master of Science in Economics from University College London.

She is a microeconomist who has been interested in the optimal management of water resources, the analysis of the stability of international environmental agreements and, currently, works on the environmental regulation of polluting firms with market power. She has published her research in international journals such as Resource and Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economics, Spanish Economic Review, and Economics Bulletin.

She participated in competitive projects financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, BBVA Foundation, and, currently, she is involved in a competitive project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. She was a member of the local committee of the Third AERNA Workshop on Game Theory and the Environment.

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